CoinMine.PW - easy mining for everyone

Last 24 hours Pool and your hashrate chart

Average Last
Pool 22 M 22 M
Your 0 M 0 M

Argentum last found blocks information:

Block # Status Founder Value Your reward Age Difficulty
1393690  v 29 left xxxboss2 2.00 0.00 8 minutes 1.6199
1393689  v 28 left xxxigon96.t2 3.00 0.00 9 minutes 1.6199
1393688  v 27 left xxxve2 3.00 0.00 13 minutes 1.6199
1393686  v 25 left xxxigon96.t2 4.00 0.00 17 minutes 1.6199
1393684  v 23 left xxxcc28 2.00 0.00 23 minutes 1.6199
1393683  v 22 left xxxboss2 1.00 0.00 29 minutes 1.6199
1393682  v 21 left xxxsmultilow 4.01 0.00 31 minutes 1.6199
1393681  v 20 left xxxve2 4.00 0.00 32 minutes 1.6199
1393679  v 18 left 5.00 0.00 32 minutes 1.6199
1393678  v 17 left xxxboss2 2.00 0.00 34 minutes 1.6199
1393676  v 15 left xxxve2 4.00 0.00 40 minutes 1.6199
1393672  v 11 left xxxve2 2.00 0.00 50 minutes 1.6199
1393671  v 10 left 5.00 0.00 50 minutes 1.6199
1393670  v 9 left xxxMachine 1.01 0.00 51 minutes 1.6199
1393669  v 8 left xxxez58.ASRock 3.00 0.00 51 minutes 1.6199
1393668  v 7 left xxxve2 2.00 0.00 54 minutes 1.6199
1393667  v 6 left xxxascoinmine 2.00 0.00 57 minutes 1.6199
1393666  v 5 left xxxboss2 3.00 0.00 59 minutes 1.6199
1393664  v 3 left xxxboss2 2.00 0.00 > 1 hour 1.6199
1393663  v 2 left xxxascoinmine 5.01 0.00 > 1 hour 1.6199
1393662  v 1 left xxxnerBlade 1.00 0.00 > 1 hour 1.6199
1393661  v Confirmed xxxoker1 1.00 0.00 > 1 hour 1.6199
1393660  v Confirmed xxxez58.Pi2 4.00 0.00 > 1 hour 1.6199
1393659  v Confirmed xxxoker3 4.00 0.00 > 1 hour 1.6199
1393658  v Confirmed xxxoker3 5.00 0.00 > 1 hour 1.6199
1393657  v Confirmed xxxez58.Pi 2.00 0.00 > 1 hour 1.6199
1393656  v Confirmed xxxoker3 5.00 0.00 > 1 hour 1.6199
1393655  v Confirmed xxxoker3 4.00 0.00 > 1 hour 1.6199
1393654  v Confirmed xxxascoinmine 4.00 0.00 > 1 hour 1.6199
1393653  v Confirmed xxxMachine 5.00 0.00 > 1 hour 1.6199
1393651  v Confirmed xxxve2 4.00 0.00 > 1 hour 1.6199
1393650  v Confirmed xxxigon96.t2 3.00 0.00 > 1 hour 1.6199
1393648  v Confirmed xxxve2 4.00 0.00 > 1 hour 1.6199
1393643  v Confirmed xxxigon96.t2 4.01 0.00 > 2 hours 1.6199
1393642  v Confirmed xxxMachine 5.00 0.00 > 2 hours 1.6199
1393641  v Confirmed xxxboss2 1.00 0.00 > 2 hours 1.6199
1393638  v Confirmed xxxMachine 2.00 0.00 > 2 hours 1.6199
1393637  v Confirmed xxxez58.1 5.00 0.00 > 2 hours 1.6199
1393636  v Confirmed xxxcc28 4.00 0.00 > 2 hours 1.6199
1393635  v Confirmed xxxMachine 2.00 0.00 > 2 hours 1.6199
1393634  v Confirmed xxxboss2 1.00 0.00 > 2 hours 1.6199
1393633  v Confirmed xxxMachine 3.00 0.00 > 2 hours 1.6199
1393632  v Confirmed xxxigon96.t2 1.00 0.00 > 2 hours 1.6199
1393631  v Confirmed xxxigon96.t2 4.00 0.00 > 3 hours 1.6199
1393630  v Confirmed xxxmlm.1 2.00 0.00 > 3 hours 1.6199
1393628  v Confirmed xxxboss2 1.01 0.00 > 3 hours 1.6199
1393627  v Confirmed xxxez58.Pi2 4.00 0.00 > 3 hours 1.6199
1393626  v Confirmed xxxigon96.t2 1.00 0.00 > 3 hours 1.6199
1393625  v Confirmed xxxboss2 4.00 0.00 > 3 hours 1.6199
1393624  v Confirmed xxxoX.96 3.00 0.00 > 3 hours 1.6199
Argentum Logo

Argentum information:

Attention: Last network block accepted 8 minutes ago. Possible blockchain problems.

Ticker: ARG
Mining Algorithm: Scrypt
Network speed: 32.45 MHash/s
Current block: 1393691
Current difficulty: 1.6199
Block time: 497 seconds ago
Block time target: 32 seconds
Blocks to Confirmed: 30
Current Profitability: 0.53896 BTC/GH/Day
ARG/LTC price: 0.00057483 LTC
ARG/BTC price: 0.00000868 BTC
ARG/USD price: 0.002294 USD
Daily trading volume: 0.0194 BTC
Next block reward: 5.000000
Next block price/LTC: 0.00287415 LTC
Next block price/BTC: 0.00004340 BTC
Next block price/USD: 0.0115 USD

Argentum markets:

Exchanger Price Volume
BTC : 0.000008680 0.019376 BTC

Additional information

Argentum pool information:

Payout method: PPLNS last 10 minutes *
ARG pool Stratum servers:
and set ARG at Workers page!
ARG pool speed: 31.81 Mh/s
Active workers: 20
Pool wallet version:
Wallet protocol version: 1030000
Last confirmed block number: 1393661
Last confirmed block found: 1 hours 24 minutes ago

* - Proportional payout from total accepted difficulty shares last 10 minutes.
For payout uses total block value including superblocks and transaction fees.

"Top 20" pool workers:

Worker Hashrate
xxxboss2 5899 KHash/s
xxxMachine 2553 KHash/s
xxxve2 2372 KHash/s
xxxcc28 1493 KHash/s
xxxe2 474 KHash/s
xxxe1 195 KHash/s
xxxd [Auto] 98 KHash/s

You'll get about** 0.0000% of block value if block will be found NOW.

* Your workers will shown during 10 minutes. Rates is an estimate.

* [Auto] - mean autoswitching worker.

** Pool use cache to store some recent accepted shares. This statistic don't flush cache and some last shares don't calculated here. But when block found all shares used to calculate exact value.

Argentum profit calculator:

Hashrate: Kh/s
Difficulty: ARG/USD:
Estimated profit:

* This calculations is just estimated! Mining based at random chances.
Also, difficulty or price can change either way !

CoinMine.PW (c) 2014-2015